New Year Update 2023

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! πŸ₯³ All the best to you and the incoming year. I’m sure this year will be just as exciting and fun as the last one.

Starting off this year I will be partaking in GGJ this year. I plan on making a (2D) horror game but nothing concrete at this moment

About me

Recently I signed the contract to go back to Intuit to join the Metaverse Futures team and do work with VR/AR which is very hype. I am very excited not only for the tech but also for the team which consists of very senior people! Hopefully I will have a good time there.

I have also been using ChatGPT and found it truly revolutionary. Additionally gpt 4 is slated to be released this year and reviews of how much more gaming changing have already started to pour in. The future is looking to be quite different as you are reading this. I’m very excited for the future but also terrified of the consequences of capital accumulation and concentration of power into a handful of companies. Additionally, I think we have already seen this and it will only accelerate in the future as more jobs are automated and the workforce shrinks at a level following a S (logistic) curve.

Otherwise there is no update from me, just rise and grind school. Toodaloo πŸ‘‹
